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Press Room

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It’s Happening Every Day at Your Chamber

It’s Happening Every Day at Your Chamber

This week we held our annual offsite meeting for our Board of Trustees – this is my third one since I started in my role at the Chamber and each year I have left feeling proud of the good work the Chamber team has done and energized for the year to come. While we will...

The Best Coast is the West Coast

The Best Coast is the West Coast

It’s officially summer - the time when we Pacific Northwesterners peel off the layers and soak in all that our region has to offer, like hiking, biking, kayaking and paddle boarding. I’m not a Puget Sound region native, but after nearly 30 years on the West Coast I am...

Media Contact

Jillian Henze, APR
Director of Communications
Seattle Metro Chamber of
Email the Media Contact

Media Contact

Jillian Henze, APR
Director of Communications
Seattle Metro Chamber of
Email the Media Contact

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