Week Three – Jan. 24-28 Week three of the short, 60-day legislative session is complete, and we are now a third of the way through session. Thursday is the House of Origin Policy Cutoff when all bills without a fiscal impact must be out of their policy committees to...
Policy & Advocacy
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Reminder: King County Vaccine Verification Requirement In Place Until March 16
Public Health - Seattle & King County is reiterating the ongoing need for the vaccine verification requirement during the Omicron surge. Under this requirement, people ages 12 and older are required to show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test...
[Inside Scoop] King County Council 2022 Committee Assignments and Schedules
King County Council on Jan. 11 released its committee and meeting schedule for 2022. At that meeting, Council passed two motions; one motion related to the organization of council committees that establishes the purview of each committee. The second motion updated...

Act Now: Urge Seattle City Council to stop an irresponsible tax on jobs
Right now, people and businesses are suffering. The public health and economic crises are affecting everyone. The only way to heal is if everyone pulls together toward a strong and...

Federal resources for small businesses
Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration Jovita Carranza and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin issued a statement on April 24 that the Small Business...

What the new stimulus package means for our region
On March 27, Congress approved the third phase of stimulus funding to address the COVID-19 pandemic and the President signed it into law. The $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and...

Update on the state legislature’s proposal to allow a King County payroll tax
We want to update you on the work we are doing to advocate for you on Substitute House Bill 2907, which would allow King County to enact a payroll tax on businesses located within the...

Carefully evaluating a new tax proposal for King County
House Bill 2907, which would allow King County to impose a payroll tax on businesses located within the county, is moving quickly through the legislature. The House Finance Committee...

Chamber Sets Its Priorities For State Advocacy In 2020
The Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce is the largest and most diverse business association in the region. In 2020, the Chamber will advocate for the following state policy...
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Seattle Launches New Capital Access Program
Last week, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell, Interim Director of the Seattle Office of Economic Development (OED) Markham McIntyre, and Seattle City Councilmember Sara Nelson announced...

Meet Our New Members: February 2022
From a Scandinavian speciality store to a payment processor that donates to a cause, please help us welcome our new members! Corporate Blue Mountain Mechanical, Inc. Bright Horizons...

Legislative Session Week 7: House Dems Propose Biz Recovery Dollars and Removing Export Fuel Tax from Transpo Package
Week Seven – February 21-25 Week seven was a busy week for the legislature as the opposite policy house committee cutoff was on Thursday. That means if a bill was introduced in the...

Legislative Session Week 6: WARNING – Controversial L&I Bill Advances, Middle Housing Fails
Week Six – Feb. 14-18 February 15 marked a major deadline for the 2022 legislative session -- all bills needed to pass out of their chamber of origin to stay alive. Leading up to the...

WA Transportation Package Makes Big Traction
The Move Ahead Washington transportation package would make investments to finish projects we have started (like Connecting Washington) while also investing in preservation and...

Legislative Session Week 5: COVID-19 Mask Changes + Controversial Nurse Staffing Bill is Moving Ahead Quickly
Week Five – February 7-13 We are now five weeks into session with only four more weeks to go. February 7, was the House of Origin Fiscal Committee cutoff when all bills needed to be...
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