Following the announcement by Seattle City Councilmember Tammy Morales regarding the Seattle Transportation Levy on June 27, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Rachel Smith issued the following statement:
“We know from The Index that when it comes to infrastructure investments, Seattleites are crystal clear: they want a focus on the fundamentals. Ninety percent of voters agree the city should deliver on bread-and-butter services like filling potholes, maintaining parks, and addressing public safety. And when it comes to transportation, nearly 7 in 10 think the city should focus on basics like bridge maintenance and paving streets.
Voters also want government to be conscious of their pocketbooks. Sixty percent of voters say taxes are too high for the level of services the city provides and the cost of living is the No. 1 reason why voters are considering leaving Seattle.
It is disappointing to see an eleventh-hour attempt to turn a thoughtfully crafted proposal – one that was the result of months of technical work and robust stakeholder engagement – into a proposal that is about quantity, not outcomes that can be delivered. The Chamber has strongly supported the development of a balanced proposal and we urge the Seattle City Council to approve a levy renewal based on a sound project delivery plan that makes progress in maintenance and mobility, and balances needed investments with affordability concerns.”
About The Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
The Seattle Metropolitan (Seattle Metro) Chamber of Commerce is a regional business advocacy organization that helps our 2,500 members thrive in an equitable and inclusive regional economy. Founded in 1882 by local business leaders, the Chamber today is an independent organization representing a regional workforce of approximately 750,000. For more information, visit