The extensions of light rail to West Seattle and Ballard and a new downtown Seattle tunnel to provide capacity for the entire light rail system hit an important milestone this month. On January 19, 2022, Sound Transit released the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) and is accepting public comments through April 28, 2022. You can learn more about the project and how to comment at an online open house.
The Chamber will review the Draft EIS and share more about what we learn in future updates. The major choice for the project is the location of the light rail alignment and stations. We will also work with our partners along the future light rail alignment to advocate for the business community in our comments. While steps must be taken to address escalating costs, we need a high-quality transit system that will serve future generations.
The West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions are part of Sound Transit 3 (ST3), a $54 billion program approved by voters in 2016 to expand the regional transit system by connecting major cities in Snohomish, King, and Pierce counties with light rail, bus rapid transit, express bus, and commuter rail. The Seattle Metro Chamber proudly endorsed ST3 and was deeply engaged in the campaign because this generational investment in transit is central to our vision of a competitive, inclusive, and equitable regional economy.
One of the recent challenges facing Sound Transit is a rise in estimated project costs because of escalating real estate and construction costs. This, along with delays during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulted in a two-year delay to the West Seattle extension and downtown tunnel and a four-year delay to the Ballard extension. You can read more about the Chamber’s comments on steps Sound Transit should take to ensure the program is delivered on the schedule committed to voters here and here.
Seeing ST3 investments through, including the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions, is critical to keeping our region economically competitive and to ensuring people in our region have equitable access to jobs and education.