The single-family zoning label may be on its way out.

A bill sponsored by Councilmembers Teresa Mosqueda and Dan Strauss would change “single-family areas” to “neighborhood residential areas” with the goal of creating a zoning code that reflects the current makeup of Seattle neighborhoods.

Last Friday, the legislation passed out of the Land Use & Neighborhoods Committee, 5-0, and will be before the full council for a vote on October 4.

Most of the comments taken in a Sept. 22 public hearing on the proposal were in support of the change.

Seattle Metro Chamber President and CEO Rachel Smith sent a letter to the committee prior to Friday’s vote. Smith said, “The name ‘single-family’ area is not representative of Seattle’s neighborhoods today.” While this measure is only a simple name change, it is a critical first step in the Council’s work to address the existing and historical impacts of exclusionary zoning.

The Chamber knows that making housing more affordable and more accessible helps not only the challenge of lack of affordable housing in our region but also helps us solve the homelessness crisis.

Read Smith’s entire letter here. 

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