We’re here to help navigate the questions that employers and employees have during the Coronavirus pandemic in a timely and accurate manner. In order to do this, we’ve created our new #WeGotThisWA Series in partnership with Business Health Trust and sponsored by Advanced Professionals Insurance & Benefit Solutions.

#WeGotThisWA: Navigating State Unemployment in a Pandemic

Our webinar on March 23 focused on Washington State’s Employment Security Department (ESD) and information on how to navigate these benefits, especially if your workforce includes part-time workers who are getting automatic denials as ESD works to update their system to reflect new emergency rules. Our featured speaker was ESD’s lead policy analyst Kris Bowen.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer. Content starts at minute 26.)

Here are other resources from our event:

A screenshot of how to adjust information you’ve already entered into the ESD system can be found here.

The below websites also have information on the type of benefit programs and common questions.

  • Guide for Employees
  • Easy To Read Guide of Scenarios
  • User Guide for Employers (including how to manage claims, apply for shared work and other programs)
  • Updates:
    • As of March 23, ESD has expanded standby status for up to 12 weeks
    • As of March 23, ESD has made work search requirements optional for all claimants until further notice
    • As of March 25, ESD expanded SharedWork program to include salaried workers, seasonal workers, and officers.
    • We encourage people to sign up for notices here

#WeGotThisWA Series: Stay Home, Stay Healthy

Our webinar on March 27 highlighted more info on what Washington’s #StayHomeStayHealthy order means for families & businesses, how King County is supporting this effort, and a look at the federal stimulus package that was working through Congress. Our featured speakers were King County Deputy Executive Rachel Smith and Washington 2 Advocates Partner and Chairman Tony Williams.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • More resources and information on COVID-19 can be found on King County’s dedicated coronavirus information page.
  • Not sure who is considered an ‘essential employee’ This document has more information. And this document clarifies what construction activities are still allowed currently.
  • A summary sheet from Tony Williams and Washington 2 Advocates on the federal stimulus package can be found here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Hear from Healthcare

Our webinar on March 31 highlighted facts on COVID-19, including what to do if you think you are sick or have been exposed, steps medical professionals are taking, some workplace safety tips, and how Kaiser Permanente is keeping their community informed. Our featured speaker was Kaiser Permanente’s Dr. Deb Friesen.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • The recording of the webinar can be found at this link. This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.
  • More resources and information on COVID-19 can be found on Kaiser Permanente’s coronavirus information page.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Managing Business Expenses

Our webinar on April 2 highlighted best practices for businesses talking to their landlords and banks about your options for easing their monthly payments during the coronavirus outbreak. Our featured speakers were Rachel’s Ginger Beer’s Rachel Marshall, KeyBank’s Jimmy Ng, Bank of America’s Kerri Schroeder, and OfficeLease’s Paul Suzman. 

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • A quick guide to the emergency loans available to small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program can be found here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Employee Engagement and Communication 

Our webinar on April 7 highlighted creative tactics that foster healthy and effective communication and camaraderie to keep employees engaged, productive, and healthy during the coronavirus outbreak. Our featured speakers were our very own Senior Vice President of Operations Jane Billbe and Vice President of Marketing
and Communications Alicia Teel. 

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • A quick guide to the emergency loans available to small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program can be found here.
  • A PDF of the presentation slides can be found here, and some analytics on what employees need from their leaders can be found here.
  • Coronavirus Crisis Comms Triage Kit is available from The Communications Network.
  • You can reach presenter Jane Billbe, Senior Vice President of Operations at the Seattle Metro Chamber, directly via email if you have more questions about her presentation.

#WeGotThisWA Series: COVID-19 Economic Impact Analysis

Our webinar on April 9 highlighted an overview of the COVID-19 Economic Impact Analysis which the Chamber and Business Health Trust commissioned from Community Attributes. Their initial analysis is a snapshot in time in a rapidly evolving situation. It also featured an overview of what the Chamber is doing to support our community at this time. Our featured speakers were Community Attributes Chris Mefford and Seattle Metro Chamber Board Chair Diana Birkett Rakow.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • The slides from Chris’ presentation can be found here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Federal Stimulus Package

Our webinar on April 10 highlighted the federal stimulus bills and explored areas such as the SBA lending programs and expanded unemployment assistance, as well as looking what could be ahead in a potential future bill. Our featured speakers were Kimberly Ellis, T.A. Hawks, and Matt McAlvanah of Monument Advocacy.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • A PDF of the presentation slides can be found here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Unemployment Update and Paid Leave Requirements

Our webinar on April 14 highlighted updates that have been made to unemployment benefits programs in the last few weeks, timelines, plus any additional rules that have been added. We also featured new requirements around paid leave that were passed at the federal level, including how these requirements overlap with unemployment benefits. Our featured speakers were Washington State’s Employment Security Department’s Kris Bowen and Davis Wright Tremaine.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: What Every Business Should Know about PPP Loan Forgiveness

Our webinar on April 21 highlighted how business owners can set themselves up to best utilize their PPP funds, including tips and tricks to navigating this new program and best positioning your business. Our featured speakers were Lane Powell’s Lewis Horowitz and Eric Kodesch.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: PPP Frequently Asked Questions

Our webinar on April 23 answered follow up questions from April 21’s webinar on PPP loan forgiveness.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: Planning for What’s Ahead

Our webinar on April 28 highlighted what immediate steps organizations need to start planning for – and taking – that will help in the long run. Our featured speakers were APCO Worldwide’s Barie Carmichael, Tim Smith, and Kelly Stepno.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • A PDF of the presentation slides can be found here. APCO Worldwide has some additional information on their Coronavirus Hub, and some specific resources around Coming Back Stronger on this page.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Safe Work Planning Checklist

Our webinar on April 30 highlighted recommendations for businesses to consider as part of re-opening, including how to support effective screening, tracking and tracing, and how to support employees. Our featured speakers were Boston Consulting Group’s Charlie Davis and Justin Vincent, and Microsoft’s Teresa Hutson.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

#WeGotThisWA Series: Work from Home Tips for Physical Well-Being

Our webinar on May 8 highlighted ergonomic advice, stretches, and health tips to keep you feeling good while working from home. Our featured speakers was Kerry Field, PT, DPT, a physical therapist with Peak Sports & Spine Physical Therapy.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Considerations for Businesses

Our webinar on May 12 highlighted how business owners and operators should be thinking through what personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies they’ll need as they prepare for a new normal. Our featured speaker was Rachel Smith, Chief of Staff for the King County Executive Office.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • More details on the King County directive about face coverings is available on their website.  Guidance from the CDC on how to wear, clean, and make face coverings can be found here.
  • The Business Health Trust’s roundup of COVID-19 supplies for employers can be found at this link, and the face mask Sarai showed can be found here (use code BHThelps for 10% off).
  • Lastly, the Madrona Venture Group’s Back to Work Toolkit is a great resource for reopening safely. To learn more about this toolkit and hear from some companies who have implemented pieces of it, please check out our upcoming webinar, below.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Back to Work Toolkit

Our webinar on May 14 highlighted the Back To Work Toolkit which was designed in partnership with the Chamber to help save entrepreneurs and founders time in figuring out the how of reopening businesses. Our featured speakers were Costco Wholesale’s Patrick Callans, Alaska Airlines’ Tiffany DeHaan, Madrona Venture Group’s Katie Drucker, Boon Boona Coffee Efrem Fesaha, and Teresa Huston. 

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

#WeGotThisWA Series: PPP Loan Forgiveness Updated Guidedance

Our webinar on May 20 highlighted long awaited guidance on PPP loan forgiveness was released by the treasury. Our featured speakers were Davis Wright Tremaine’s Sarah Ames and Bank of America’s Aaron Stuesser.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: Updates from Mayor Durkan and the Governor’s Office

Our webinar on May 26 highlighted updates from local and state governments. Our featured speakers were City of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Gov. Inslee’s Senior Policy Advisor, Economic Development, Innovation and Global Affairs, Charles Knutson.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can find more information on Washington COVID-19 stats, the phases of reopening, contact tracing, and more on the state’s Coronavirus Response page.
  • And learn more about the work that Housing Connector is doing on their website.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Congressional Update

Our webinar on June 3 highlighted an overview of what’s happening in Congress and an inside look at the HEROES Act. Our featured speaker was United States Representative Derek Kilmer of Washington’s 6th Congressional District. 

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • Representative Kilmer’s website has more information on what he’s working on in Congress and how he is connecting with his district.
  • You can read the Chamber’s statement on our collective responsibility and commitment to an inclusive region here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Unemployment Fraud and ESD Update

Our webinar on June 4 highlighted how ESD is working with federal and state agencies and banks to recover as much as possible, how businesses should manage employer notices, and how employees can best mitigate personal risk. Our featured speakers were Employment Security Department’s Scott Michael and Seattle Metro Chamber’s Jane Billbe. 

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • The PPP Loan Forgiveness Application is available now from the SBA. The US Chamber of Commerce has a Guide to PPP Loan Forgiveness that can help answer additional questions.
  • Scott shared several links and phone numbers with the group:
    ESD Fraud Page– This has lots of helpful unemployment fraud information, including FAQs and a handy one-pager on the steps to take if you or an employee are a victim of unemployment imposter fraud.

    ESD SharedWork Page
    – Information for employers on how to utilize SharedWork to retain employees at reduced hours.

    ESD Operation 100% Page
    – Target metrics and timing for ESD’s plans to get all eligible Washingtonians their benefits as quickly as possible.

    Unemployment Fraud Hotline- 800-246-9763
    SAW Helpdesk- 855-682-0785
    Unemployment Taxes Helpdesk- 855-TAX-WAGE

#WeGotThisWA Series: WA State COVID-19 Update from Vice Admiral Bono

Our webinar on June 9 highlighted how the successes and challenges Vice Admiral Bono has seen in her work are reflected in the governor’s phased reopening plan and what the future might hold as the state continues its reopening process.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can find more information on Washington’s COVID-19 stats, the phases of reopening, contact tracing, and more on the state’s Coronavirus Response page.
  • Business Health Trust’s roundup of PPE and other supplies is available here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: ‘Safe Start’ Reopening Plan in King County

Our webinar on June 10 highlighted what businesses and customers can expect as we move into this modified phase of reopening and what metrics the county will have to meet to move to Phase 2. Our featured speaker was Deputy Executive for King County Rachel Smith.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • King County’s COVID-19 Data Dashboards can be found here and a chart of what activities are allowed and what restrictions are in place in Phase 1.5 can be found here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Cybersecurity Concerns for Businesses

Our webinar on June 11 highlighted what cyber attacks are becoming more prevalent in this time and what businesses of all sizes can do to mitigate their risk as they look at extending remote work into the future. Our featured speaker was Deputy Executive for King County Rachel Smith.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: Working Parent Support Guide for Companies

Our webinar on June 18 highlighted detailed programs, policies, and plans that you can implement at your company to support working parents and caregivers, along with communication strategies to learn what each person on your team needs. Our featured speakers were LegUp’s Jessica Eggert, Avalara’s Amelia Ransom, and Remitly’s Kim Vu. 

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • Check out the Working Parent Support Guide to see all of their great resources, including communication tips, sample HR policies, and real experiences from working parents and executives.
  • You can learn more from the US Department of Labor about the leave benefits available under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act here and here. Washington State ESD has also created this guide to determine what benefits are available for various COVID-19 scenarios.

#WeGotThisWA Series: King County Health Update from Dr. Duchin

Our webinar on June 25 highlighted the latest updates from Dr. Jeffrey Duchin, Health Officer for Public Health – Seattle & King County. He shared how the decision was made to move King County into Phase 2, and what we should expect if coronavirus cases continue to rise here and across the state.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • King County’s COVID-19 data dashboards can be found here.
  • Chambers and business organizations all around the region have come together in partnership with King County to provide cloth face coverings, disposable masks, and hand sanitizer to businesses in King County to help keep employees healthy and safe- find out more and sign up at this link.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Q&A with King County Deputy Executive

Our webinar on June 30 highlighted the county’s move into Phase 2 of reopening including how the decision was made to move ahead, the new state-wide mask order, testing capacity and PPE availability, and more. Our featured speaker was King County Deputy Executive Rachel Smith. 

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • King County’s COVID-19 data dashboards can be found here.
  • Chambers and business organizations all around the region have come together in partnership with King County to provide cloth face coverings, disposable masks, and hand sanitizer to businesses in King County to help keep employees healthy and safe- find out more and sign up at this link.

#WeGotThisWA Series: WA State Schools Update from Superintendent Reykdal

Our webinar on July 2 highlighted the District Planning Guide, ways that each school district can plan for their own community needs, alternatives for districts who can’t meet health requirements, and more. Our featured speaker was Superintendent Chris Reykdal.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • If you’d like to read through the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public School’s District Planning Guide, it can be found here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Mask Policy Best Practices

Our webinar on July 21 highlighted how local companies set up their internal and store mask policies and how best to accommodate customers or employees with medical exemptions who cannot wear face coverings. Our featured speakers were Costco Wholesale’s Patrick Callans, Puget Sound Energy’s John Mannetti, and Alliance of People with disAbilities’ Kimberly Meck.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • An overview of COVID-19 statewide face covering requirements from the Governor’s office is available here.
  • Answers to common questions on employee face coverings from the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries can be found at this link.
  • And the poster Kimberly referenced from King County is available here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Role of Employers in Contact Tracing

Our webinar on July 23 highlighted how business owners can make a plan for their business, quickly identify COVID-19 cases, and take action to support the sick employees and protect the safety of others in their workplace. Our featured speakers were Challenge Seattle’s Mamie Marcus and Public Health- Seattle King County’s Dennis Worsham.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • The contact tracing toolkit from Challenge Seattle is available here.
  • Additional resources can be found from Business Health Trust at this link.
  • Businesses in King County can learn more about what to do if an employee has COVID-19 and report a case online to Public Health- Seattle King County here.
  • Businesses outside of King County can use this map from the Washington Department of Health to find their county health department at this link.

#WeGotThisWA Series: COVID-19 Lease Amendment Toolkit

Our webinar on July 28 highlighted attorneys from Perkins Coie discussing the COVID-19 Lease Amendment Toolkit and how to manage difficulties paying rent due to COVID-19. Our featured speakers were Perkins Coie’s Jessica Cohen, Nathan Fahrer, and Aaron Holloway, and Communities Rise’s Jodi Nishioka.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.

(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: Public Health Report on School Reopening

Our webinar on July 30 highlighted some details from this report, which uses modelling to show that the level of COVID-19 community transmission is just as important to safe school reopening as the precautions being taken inside the school buildings. Our featured speakers were Washington State Department of Health’s Lacy Fehrenbach and Public Health- Seattle King County’s Patty Hayes, RN, MN.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • King County’s COVID-19 data dashboards are available here, and the Washington State Department of Health’s data is available here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Leave Considerations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Our webinar on August 12 highlighted what qualifies for leave under the FFCRA if an employee can take PFML for a COVID-19 related reason, if these leave types can be used together, and will take time to answer your questions. Our featured speaker was Archbright’s Joy Sturgis, SPHR, SHRM-SCP.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: Seattle Public Schools Fall Update

Our webinar on August 18 highlighted how district staff are preparing for the fall and working to improve remote instruction, including improving consistency with predictable schedules for live instruction, providing students with computers, and planning for students with IEPs. Our featured speaker was Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Juneau.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • Seattle Public Schools sample remote learning schedules for the fall are available here, and some helpful FAQs are available here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: State Economic Recovery Update with Senator Frockt

Our webinar on September 10 highlighted a conversation with Washington State Senator David Frockt, representing the 46th District. He shared some of what they’re developing for the state’s economic recovery plans.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • Learn more about the economic impacts of COVID-19 in the greater Seattle region in this report from Community Attributes.

#WeGotThisWA Series: COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Our webinar on September 15 highlighted the latest COVID-19 vaccine updates from King County Public Health including what vaccine delivery infrastructure might look like, the intersection of flu season and COVID-19, and more. Our featured speaker was King County Public Health’s Immunization Program Manager Libby Page.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can find a flu vaccination clinic here. Information from the CDC on how a new vaccine is developed, approved, and manufactured can be found here.  And an FAQ from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia on COVID-19 vaccines can be found here.
  • The BHT supply purchasing pop-up BHT that Sarai mentioned can accessed at this link.

#WeGotThisWA Series: ESD Employer Offset Program

Our webinar on September 22 highlighted information on the newly-created COVID-19 Unemployment Account, including how the program works, how to apply, who is eligible, how your offset amount is determined, and more. Our featured speaker was Employment Security Department’s Legal Services Coordination Manager,
Employment System Policy Scott Michael.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can read more about the program on the ESD website here. The employer line for ESD related questions is 855-TAX-WAGE.

#WeGotThisWA Series: ESD Employer Offset Program

Our webinar on September 22 highlighted information on the newly-created COVID-19 Unemployment Account, including how the program works, how to apply, who is eligible, how your offset amount is determined, and more. Our featured speaker was Employment Security Department’s Legal Services Coordination Manager,
Employment System Policy Scott Michael.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can read more about the program on the ESD website here. The employer line for ESD related questions is 855-TAX-WAGE.

#WeGotThisWA Series: 2020 Business in the Northwest Report

Our webinar on September 29 highlighted the findings of the Washington State University’s Carson College of Business 2020 Business in the Northwest report and a panel of local business leaders sharing their experiences navigating the unprecedented challenges of this year and why they remain optimistic. Our featured speakers were Carson College Dean Chip Hunter, QFC’s Chris Albi, and Savor Seattle’s Angela Shen.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: COVID-19 Design Guide

Our webinar on October 15 highlighted Mackenzie’s COVID-19 Design Guide provides illustrations and examples of how your office and retail environments can be adapted in response to the pandemic. Our featured speaker was Mackenzie’s, Dietrich Wieland.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can check out the Mackenzie COVID-19 Design Guide in full here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Supporting Employees’ Mental Health during COVID

Our webinar on October 20 highlighted tools you can use to build resilience and effective coping within your own workforce through the crisis. Our featured speakers were University of Washington’s Michele Bedard-Gilligan, PhD and Dr. Jbe found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can read more about the program on the ESD website here. The employer line for ESD related questions is 855-TAX-WAGE.

#WeGotThisWA Series: ESD Employer Offset Program

Our webinar on September 22 highlighted information on the newly-created COVID-19 Unemployment Account, including how the program works, how to apply, who is eligible, how your offset amount is determined, and more. Our featured speaker was Employment Security Department’s Legal Services Coordination Manager, Employment System Policy Scott Michael.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can read more about the program on the ESD website here. The employer line for ESD related questions is 855-TAX-WAGE.

#WeGotThisWA Series: 2020 Business in the Northwest Report

Our webinar on September 29 highlighted the findings of the Washington State University’s Carson College of Business 2020 Business in the Northwest report and a panel of local business leaders sharing their experiences navigating the unprecedented challenges of this year and why they remain optimistic. Our featured speakers were Carson College Dean Chip Hunter, QFC’s Chris Albi, and Savor Seattle’s Angela Shen.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

#WeGotThisWA Series: COVID-19 Design Guide

Our webinar on October 15 highlighted Mackenzie’s COVID-19 Design Guide provides illustrations and examples of how your office and retail environments can be adapted in response to the pandemic. Our featured speaker was Mackenzie’s, Dietrich Wieland.

A recording of the webinar can be found at this link.
(This will work best in Chrome, not Internet Explorer.)

Here are other resources from our event:

  • You can check out the Mackenzie COVID-19 Design Guide in full here.

#WeGotThisWA Series: Supporting Employees’ Mental Health during COVID

Our webinar on October 20 highlighted tools you can use to build resilience and effective coping within your own workforce through the crisis. Our featured speakers were University of Washington’s Michele Bedard-Gilligan, PhD and Dr. J

Source link