About Us
A thriving Seattle depends on vibrant businesses like yours.
At the Chamber, we believe that a thriving community depends on vibrant business. We believe our region is uniquely positioned to compete in the global marketplace because we embrace three key attributes: we create jobs, we are responsible stewards of the environment, and we are committed to an equitable and inclusive economy.
By becoming a member of the Seattle Metro Chamber, you’ll join the largest and most diverse business community in the region. We’re here to amplify your voice, expand your reach, and give you access to tools, insights, and advocacy that fuel your growth and support our community.
We seek an economically vibrant and globally competitive region where businesses of all sizes flourish and prosperity is shared.
The Chamber is a business advocacy organization that helps our members thrive in an equitable and inclusive regional economy.
The Seattle Metro Chamber is the largest and most diverse business association in the region representing 2,500 member companies and a workforce of about 750,000.

As your business advocate, the Chamber is:
A Strong Policy Voice: We’re the only Chamber in the area representing business interests at city, regional, state, and federal levels.
Comprehensive Business Support: From networking to employee benefits, we’re a one-stop resource for everything your business needs to grow.
Community Partnership: We champion projects and initiatives that make Seattle competitive on a global scale and ensure it remains a great place to live and work.
Ready to join?
Apply online or contact us